SIQ+ Sport - Integration - Qualification

The SIQ+ project aims to use the socially integrative potential of sport in its entire range (from low-threshold leisure activities to club sport and competitive sport) and thus to expand the integration offer by an essential element.

The Caritas project SIQ+ (Sport Integration Qualification +) sees itself as a socio-pedagogical project (direct work with the target group) and a platform for sport integration (public relations, networking and educational work). It aims to use the socially integrative potential of sport in its entire range (from low-threshold recreational activities to club sport), thus adding an essential element to the integration offer.

Target groups

Third-country nationals, Convention refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, EU citizens and Austrians with a migration background between 6 and 21 years of age.

SIQ+ offer

  • GRAgustl (learning and sports programme for compulsory school pupils in Graz in August, organised in cooperation with the Caritas Learning Cafés). All places for 2022 are already taken.
  • Football and Courage (range of offers for SIQ+ partner clubs on empowerment and intercultural sensitisation).
  • Range of offers to increase the integration of girls and women in and through sport (specific girls' modules, girls' football tournaments, etc.).
  • Matchday+: Friendly matches between a SIQ+ team and a team of a cooperation partner (schools, youth centres, etc.) with accompanying empowerment workshops.
  • Sport and labour market integrative offer for young boys: Football, running and fitness for young boys with extensive labour market integrative support services
  • Walk and Talk: coached district walks for women (more information in the flyer in the downloads)
  • Women's swimming+: swimming + empowerment + sports and German language course for the children of the participating women (more information in the flyer at the downloads)
Please feel free to contact us with your questions and concerns.

Martin Holler


Theresa Essl

Koordinatorin der Mädchen- und Frauenspezifischen Angebote